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Power Plate Machine Review – What Is The Best Vibration Plate Workout?

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By the end of this power plate machine review, we hope that you’ll not only know which power plate exercise machine is right for you but also have a better understanding of how this type of workout can help improve your overall health.




Power Plate Personal Vibrating Exercise Tool

Rumblex Plus 4D Vibration Plate Exercise Machine

LifePro Waver Vibration Plate Exercise Machine

Lifepro Vibration Plate Exercise Machine with Handles

A power plate, also referred to as a vibration plate, is a platform that vibrates. As you stand on it the vibration can help your body in many ways: relieve swelling, reduce pain, tighten your muscles, etc. We’ll go into more detail later in this article but for now you have a good idea of the purpose of these machines.

Keep reading to see our top 4 picks of vibration plate exercise machines. We list specs as well as pros and cons of each. We’ve also categorized each of our picks based on their overall features.

If you are interested in learning more, or making a purchase, just click on the links under the image of the machine.

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More Details On Our Top Pick for Power Plate Machine

Power plate has become synonymous with these types of vibrating exercise platforms, but it is also a brand. We’ve included the Power Plate exercise machine as well as top contenders from LifePro. All the machines in our review are top rated by other users online. We did this legwork so you didn’t have to! Enjoy!

Our Top Overall Pick

Power Plate Personal Vibrating Exercise Machine

power plate machine

Our overall top pick is the namesake of these vibration platforms, the Power Plate Personal Vibrating Exercise machine. This machine is the top contender for vibration platforms. Studies show that people who use this platform not only relieve pain, reduce stress and inflammation but also tend to lose double the fat compared to those who use only diet and exercise to lose weight.

It’s small size means you can keep it close at hand in a closet or pushed under the couch or an end table, ready whenever you are. It’s also small and light enough that you can take it with you when you travel so you don’t have to miss a workout.

This vibration helps improve your core strength, stability, balance and even can ooomph up your metabolism.

This power plate machine is safe to use by most, the manufacturer says “all” but I think “most” is safer. For the very elderly or those with bone density issues, I would recommend talking to your doctor first. I’m not a doctor, but I would do that if it were me!

Free online video tutorials and an IOS or Android app allows you to find the perfect workout(s) for your goals and current health and fitness levels.


  • Item Weight: 47.3 Pounds
  • Color: Black
  • Maximum Weight Capacity: 263 lbs.
  • Controls Type: Remote
Handy carrying case included



  • Small for easy storage

  • Fully body workout

  • Great for improving balance

  • Expensive

  • Fairly heavy and big

  • May not be appropriate for older people

Top Runner Up

LifePro Rumblex Plus 4D Vibration Plate Exercise Machine

power plate machine rumblex

Our runner up for top pick is the LifePro Rumblex Plus 4D Vibration Plate Machine. With over 3400 4.5 star reviews online this machine delivers, and it’s less expensive than our top pick with many of the same features.

The LifePro Rumlex vibration machine is designed to help you rehabilitate and relax. The vibration increases blood flow throughout your body so it helps with healing.

The Rumblex is designed to go easy on your joints. The surface is soft to absorb shock while still allowing you the full benefit of the vibration.

7 individual movements allow for the best experience. The Rumblex pulses, rocks, oscillates and each of these movements can be combined to create additional movements.

Quiet operation means you can use it while you watch t.v. or listen to music. The remote control will always be close by thanks to it’s a wearable wrist strap design.

The vibration plate is safe and secure. It comes with slip resistant rubber feet as well as suction on the bottom of the machine. This keeps it where it’s supposed to be when you use it. The platform is curved to allow for improved balance.


Color: Blue
Material: Plastic
Product Dimensions: 18″D x 29.5″W x 6″H
Maximum Weight Capacity: 500 Pounds
Weight of product: 47 lbs.
Included: ‎User Manual, Resistance Bands (2), Power Cord, Lifepro Mini Bands (4), Hands-Free Remote Control, Exercise Mat



  • Good quality

  • Easy to use

  • Helps relieve pain and improve circulation

  • Pretty heavy 

  • Can't program personal presets 

  • Power cord comes out of machine easily

Top Budget Pick

LifePro Waver Vibration Plate Exercise Machine

Power plate machine waver

Our top budget pick is the LifePro Waver Vibration Plate Exercise Machine. This machine comes in multiple color options: blue, black, purple, red, white and gray. It will help with pain, stress relief, detox and will also engage your muscles for a toned appearance. The vibration helps you build your core, improves your balance and stability. This is a good thing particularly for older people who are starting to have balance issues.

The LifePro Waver vibration plate can also improve your metabolism, bone density and help with joint pain. It comes with yoga straps and resistance bands for more workout options.

You have a lot of speed variations, settings go from 1 all the way up to 99, for a huge number of workout options. The Waver comes with an easy to read display and remote. There are online workout videos available to help you find the perfect workout for your health issues and weight loss goals.


Max weight: 330 lbs
Color: Blue, Black, Purple, Red, White and Gray
Material: Plastic
Product Dimensions: 15.3″D x 27.3″W x 5.9″H
Maximum Weight Capacity: 330 Pounds



  • Quality construction 

  • Users claim it relieves pain and reduces leg swelling 

  • Preset workouts

  • Remote is wired 

  • Users complained of incomplete owners manual

Top Pick Vibration Plate With Handles

Lifepro Rhythm Vibration Plate Exercise Machine with Handles

power plate machine with handles

Our top pick for best vibration plate with handles is the LifePro Rhythm with handles. I personally think this model is perfect for virtually anyone, but particularly those with balance issues. For those who need to improve their balance it’s a bit of a catch -22, these machines will help with balance but balancing on them is an issue. This machine solves that problem!

Easy to see control panel allows you to quickly adjust your settings as needed. A built in heart rate monitor allows you to keep track of your heartrate during your workout.

A huge number of variations in the speed of vibration means this machine will allow you to start as slow as you need but also gives you the ability to work up in terms of intensity and speed so you’re not stuck in beginner mode. Painkillers only go so far to relieve pain and you can build up a tolerance to them. This vibration machine can help alleviate pain without pills or ointments.

Live support as well as an online video library to get the most out of your goals. Lifetime warranty helps keep your mind relaxed too!


  • Item Weight: 66 LBS.
  • Color: Black
  • Material: Plastic
  • Product Dimensions: 27.3″D x 29″W x 48″H
  • Weight capacity: 330 lbs.



  • Easy to assemble 

  • Large number of exercises 

  • Online video tutorials

  • Users commented it was more oscillation than vibration

  • Some users complained the workout bands were uncomfortable

Benefits Of Using a Power Plate Machine

There are some studies that suggest that doing a vibration plate workout can strengthen muscles by lengthening and tension, much like a weight training workout would. These studies showed that a vibration plate workout increased physical performance and strength and that it took less time.

Vibration plates can be used in multiple ways: in place of a workout, during your workouts with squats and crunches, as a warm up and / or cooldown.

Here are some of the other benefits of using a vibration plate:

Lose Weight

The vibration causes your muscles to contract, even if you’re not aware of it. The contraction of your muscles burns calories due to the energy you’re using. Not only that, but the increased blood flow helps with muscle recovery as well as improving flexibility and range of motion.

Better Balance

Doing body weight exercises while using your vibration plate can improve your balance. Studies have shown that people who did exercises while on a vibration plate increased their stability compared to those who didn’t use a vibration plate. Calf raises, for example, on a vibration plate can have a big impact on improving your balance.

Stronger Bones

Doctors recommend weight bearing exercises to increase bone density. When carrying some added weight you are creating a stress response in your bones, you trigger them to build more bone and increase their strength. This same concept seems to apply when using a vibration plate.

Better Circulation

The muscle contractions that are triggered with the vibration plate can improve blood flow. Using a vibration plate allows the blood to circulate throughout your body, even the extremities.

Low Impact

The low impact nature of vibration plates make them especially helpful for people with limited mobility or recovering from surgery or injury. It’s a great way to trigger muscle stimulation without the impact of other exercises.

Better Muscle Recovery

The vibrations from a vibration plate can help decreasing soreness after a workout, improve lymphatic drainage, and lessen tension. The vibration also seems to lessen muscle damage which improves muscle recovery.


What is the benefit of a vibration plate?

A vibration plate can give you a full body vibration workout. You can stand or sit. The vibrations transmit energy throughout your whole body which forces your muscles to contracts and relax multiple times every second. It’s similar to working out but you aren’t expending as much energy for a similar benefit.

Some claim that this is equivalent to a full body workout and using your vibration plate 15 minutes daily just 3 times a week will help lose weight, burn fat improve flexibility and blood flow and improve balance.

How often can I use a vibration machine?

For most people it’s perfectly safe to use your vibration plates often. If you have underlying health conditions, or are pregnant, it’s best you consult your doctor first though.

What issues do vibration machines have?

Some people complain that there aren’t enough speed settings for their vibration plate. The models we’ve reviewed in this article don’t have that issue, though. These models all have multiple settings to maximize the benefit for you.

How to use a vibration machine

Another nice thing about a vibration plate is the many different ways to use it. You can use it standing up, sitting down, one foot at a time, on your knees, etc. You can start on the lowest setting and increase speed over time. Use it during a workout or by itself instead of a workout. You can also use it for warmups and cooldowns before and after a workout.

Most of the models listed above have an online video library with more workout ideas.

Power Plate Machine Review – The Bottom Line

OK, that’s it, hopefully this information has helped you choose the right model for you. Each of the vibration plates we reviewed above are a good quality. Each has the necessary features to help with whatever your fitness and health goals are: losing weight, toning muscles, reduce stress and inflammation, or improving balance and blood flow.

We have a good variety of prices and features in the models we’ve reviewed so you can find the perfect one for you.

Have fun!

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