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General Disclaimer

Medical Disclaimer:

The contents of our vides, blog posts, newsletters, articles and any and all other types of content we (website) create, including all text, graphics, images, and other material contained on our channel are strictly for informational purposes only. The Content is NOT intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice, or treatment. Please ALWAYS seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with all questions that you have related to or about, a medical condition. Never ignore professional medical advice or delay getting medical advice because of something that you have watched on Youtube. If you think you may have a medical emergency call 911 immediately.
ZenQuestLife does not endorse or recommend any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned in our videos. Relying on any information that is provided by ZenQuestLife its employees, or others appearing in the content is solely at your own risk.


The information provided on this (website) as well as any of our content- videos, articles, newsletters, etc., is for general informational purposes only. We are not experts in any field, and the content is not a substitute for professional advice. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, the content may not always reflect the most current developments or research.

The content we produce is based on our personal experiences and opinions only. It should not be viewed as professional advice in any way.

Any reliance you place on the information from this blog is strictly at your own risk. We make no warranties, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, completeness, or suitability of the information provided for any particular purpose.

The blog may contain links to external websites or resources. We do not take responsibility for the content or practices of these external sites.

It’s essential to consult with a qualified professional or expert in the relevant field before making decisions or taking actions based on the information provided on this blog. We do not assume any liability or responsibility for any loss, injury, or damage resulting from the use of the content or information on this blog.

Please be aware that laws, regulations, and best practices can change, and the information provided may not always reflect these changes. Always verify and validate information from multiple sources before making any significant decisions.

Your use of this blog and its content implies your acceptance of this disclaimer. If you do not agree with this disclaimer or have specific concerns about the information presented, we recommend that you discontinue using the blog.