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Cultivating Gratitude: Practices for a More Fulfilling Life

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It’s easy to get so caught up, and occasionally overwhelmed, by life today that we may forget the blessings with have in our life. OK, maybe not forget, but maybe not acknowledge them as much as we would like to. But, there have been studies (so it must be true 😜) that show that people who pay attention to and give gratitude for the good things in their lives tend to be happier all around.

The Power of Gratitude

I personally believe that is true. And, according to the studies, here are a few of the benefits of embracing your gratitude:

1. Improved Mental Health

Living with a sense of gratitude has been shown to reduce the severity and frequency of anxiety as well as depression. Focusing on the positive things in your life, helps get through the trying times that are stressful and challenging.

2. Enhanced Relationships

Embracing your own sense of gratitude tends to make us nicer. People who feel gratitude are highly likely to be more compassionate and forgiving. These traits can make them a great partner and may improve relationships, especially if they are in a relationship with someone who are is also grateful and has the same traits of compassion and forgiveness.

3. Physical Health Benefits

Going through life with a grateful attitude can lead to lower blood pressure, better sleep, and just better health. Gratitude is like a miracle drug!

4. Increased Resilience

People who embrace their gratitude, and this sounds kind of weird, are stronger emotionally. They tend not to get down every time they’re faced with a setback. Being grateful essentially makes you stronger! I guess when you routinely remember all the good things you’ve got going for you, the inevitable setbacks don’t sting so much.

How To Increase Your Gratitude Levels

Now that you know what a superpower gratitude can be, it’s time to learn how to oooomph up our gratitude super power.

These tips can help:

1. Keep a Gratitude Journal

Just write down several things that your grateful for every single day. It can be as mundane as there was not much traffic on your way to work, or that you got a great parking space at the store. Not all gratitude is those huge sweeping moments, those are great, but simple day – to – day successes are worth your gratitude too. By writing them down you are forced to acknowledge them first. That brings instances that deserve gratitude to the front of your mind. Over time, you’ll learn to find gratitude everywhere you look.

2. Mindful Moments of Appreciation

During your day, take a minute and think about something that is going well. Even if your overall day is a *%$@ show, there is always something to be happy about. It might not be enough to completely overrule the multiple things that are going wrong at the moment, but it’s something.

3. Thank You Notes

Everyone enjoys feeling like they’re loved and appreciated. Sticking a note in your kids lunch bag, or your husbands, or wife’s, computer bag telling them they are loved is an amazing way to brighten their day. They’ll love you (even more) for it.

4. Gratitude Walks

Going for a walk? Instead of spending this time fixating on that fight with your spouse or what an ignoramus your boss is, take that time to think about the wonderful things, and people, in your life. Just take this time to uplift and improve your emotional state. It’s actually pretty easy if you’re walking in a park or someplace beautiful to add gratitude for your surroundings to your thoughts.

5. Gratitude Jar

Set up a gratitude jar in your home, kind of like a swear jar but probably won’t be as full! Whenever you feel gratitude for something write it down on some paper and put that paper in the jar. At the end of the year, you can pull those little scraps out of the jar and read them. That allows you to revisit all those little wonders you experienced all year long!

6. Volunteer and Give Back

It’s really easy, and I think we all do it at one time or another, to get so caught up in the things in our life that aren’t right, that we forget just how good we have it. Helping others who don’t have as much as you can be humbling and inspiring at the same time. You can do good for someone else who could really use a hand, and help yourself at the same time. A win/win!

7. Limit Comparisons

No more keeping up with the Jones. Who cares what the Jones have or do??? Be you. Be happy with what you have, or what you’re working towards. There will always be people who have more than you and people who have less. Trying to compare your value based on what someone else has or does is counterproductive, to say the least. Focus on the good you have, the good you do and the good you’re working on. That’s it, that’s all that matters.

8. Say “Thank You” More Often

I know this might be sound old, but I’m astonished at how few people say thank you nowadays. I was raised to say please and thank you… and I do. As a matter of fact, once when I was getting a ticket for speeding I spontaneously said “thank you”, bet he didn’t hear that very often! But, saying thank you is the basis of civility, at least in my opinion. Such as simple thing that can mean a lot to someone else!

The Challenge of Gratitude

Making any changes, even positive ones, can sometimes seem like just one more thing to do in an already overwhelmingly busy day. But, this one simple thing can bring more joy to not only your life but the lives of the people around you: your co-workers, partners, kids, parents, friends, etc.

Just start small, incorporate one gratitude moment in your day. From there it will become easier and easier to add in more times throughout the day when you can find something to be sincerely grateful for.

Enjoy the journey!

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