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DIY Home Decor For A Really Unique, One of a Kind Design

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Our home is our castle. It’s the one place where we should be able to feel safe and comfortable. Surrounding ourselves with beauty just adds to our feelings of happiness in our homes. And, beauty doesn’t have to cost a lot. Simple DIY home decor ideas will allow you to build your sanctuary and still be able to buy food!

Store bought decor can be pretty, no doubt about it. But it’s also pricey and it doesn’t represent you the same way DIY decor does. When you do it yourself every single piece is a reflection of your imagination and personality, it’s hard to get that from a store bought piece.

The Beauty of DIY Home Decor

Here are some more, unexpected?, advantages of DIYing your home decor:

  1. Personalization
    Like I said above, the biggest advantages of DIY home decor is the ability to incorporate your personality into your living space in a way that is uniquely personal and would be difficult, if not impossible to do with store bought products.
  2. Cost-Effective
    You can create a gorgeous living space within a very tight budget if you do it yourself. For many of these projects, you’re just recycling things you already have in your home. If you are buying any supplies for a project, they are generally very inexpensive.
  3. Sense of Accomplishment
    Think of how much fun it will be when your frineds come over and they are in awe of a piece that you created yourself! Hey, we all love compliments and getting a compliment not only on your space as a whole but on a specific piece of decor that you made with your own two hands is just icing on the cake!
  4. Sustainable Living
    Reusing old items in your home and creating truly stunning decor pieces for your home saves those pieces from going to the landfill. So, not only are you building a cozy space for yourself, you are saving the planet too!
  5. Unique Pieces
    The one guarantee you’ll have when you create DIY home decor is that no one else will have the same thing. You’ll never have to worry about a friend coming to your home, or you going to theirs, and seeing the exact same piece of the dinging room wall.

Okey Dokey, now that we’ve got that covered.

Doing it yourself saves money and gives you a lot of satisfaction

Here are some speicifc ideas that you can use to create your own diy projects for your home:

  1. Custom Wall Art
    This is an obvious one. Painting designs on wood, or other materials can look amazing. And, don’t worry if you’re not a painter, just create an abstract design with colors that you love. I mean, no offense, but some of the things that are called art…let’s just say I don’t always get it!
    Do what works for you and don’t worry about anything else.
  2. Hand-Painted Furniture
    If you have older furniture that’s in good shape, it just needs a new finish, you may want to restain it or paint it. You can use stencils, or if you’re really talented (I’m not!) you can draw something free hand. Again, the only rule is that the finsihed piece looks good to you and you like it.
  3. Repurposed Pallet Projects
    Wooden pallets are incredibly versatile for DIY home decor. You can turn them into rustic coffee tables, bookshelves, or even garden planters. Sand them down and apply a stain or paint for a polished look that suits your decor style.
  4. Personalized Gallery Wall
    This is a great way to showcase what your home is all about, you and your family. YOu can do so much with picutres and frames but you can also add other pieces to your gallery wall. It doesn’t have to only be limited to family portraits. Add memorabilia or other artwork to create a gallery wall that is a true reflection of your life.
  5. Upcycled Home Accessories
    Take some old windows, or find some at a home recycling store, and turn then into art work or a mirror. Turn old suitcases into a table. Just let your mind go and be bold. Remember, this is your home. You can, and should, do what you enjoy. Create things that make you happy. It doesn’t matter if someoen else doesn’t “get it” it’s not their home!
  6. Handmade Cushions and Throws
    Do you like to sew, crochet or knit? If so you can create all kinds of great decor for your home. Pillows, throw blankets, and who knows what else. Experiement using different textures and combine unexpected colors. Whatever you want to do, give it a whirl and see where you end up!
  7. Personalized Quote Art
    I know it says “quote art” but truthfully it doesn’t have to be a quote, or it can be if you choose. You can add lyrics from your favorite song, or the first dance song at your wedding. How about the birth dates of each of your family members? The point is, there are a lot of options of things you can paint on your quote art.
  8. Floating Shelves
    Adding floating shelves add storage and it’s a neat look. You can make them yourself or you can buy them pre-made and ready to paint or stain. These shelves look great on their own, but they are also a place to display other items that will add interest and look great in your home.
Floating shelves look amazing and when you add your personal touches, they get even better!
  1. Customized Planters
    And, while we’re talking about DIY’ing your home decor, don’t forget to add some color to both the inside and outside of your home. You can use old, coloreful jar, or just a clear mason jar. Old pretty much anything will work An old pallet, an old bucket – you get the idea. Just let your imagination go and you can come up with some really cute places to display plants and flowers.
  2. Handmade Woven Wall Hangings
    I couldn’t do this one, I don’t have the skillset. But, if you have the skills, and you like the look, you can add this 70’s era look to your space.
  3. Mason Jar Creations
    We’ve already talked a little about using Mason jars for planters but you don’t have to stop there. There are actually a lot of decor ideas you can create with a mason jar – lights, candle holders, orgainizers for your bathroom and whatever else you can think of.
  4. Custom Shelving Units
    If you’re handy with tools, you can build shelving units for your family room or whereever. Stain them, or paint them, and they’ll look great in your space, but just like the floating shelf idea above, the decor possibilities don’t stop with the shelves themselves. Everythning you put on the shelf then becomes a decor item too.

So, the bottom line is that creating DIY home decor is a fantastic way to add your personality to your home. The projects listed above are just the beginning. This is the best way to update your home and add your personality. So, roll up your sleeves, grab your tools, and get started!

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